
I am sort of midway through my project, and I am beginning to feel resistance,( its a bit like getting married  when the honeymoon period is over)this is where you have to dig in. All the lovely shiny new ideas have to be turned into a reality, I hate this bit, so please forgive if I sound like a grumpy, mardy, impatient………..!? I am trying also to sourse some light units, some small self contained leds that can be fitted into my spheres, so the journey continues.

mess and process

I have been in my studio all week, and because my work involves quite a few different processes and also drying time in between, I have got at least 4 different stages happening at once, and all messy. Yesterday involved at different times, plaster layering, gesso layering, painting and gilding, on approx 5 different pieces, so when I am asked how long does it take to create a piece or panel, it is impossible to andwer without keeping ridiculously detailed time sheets. The result being a messy studio and a messy artist, meals on the hoof, and total collapse at night. Well I must away back to the workshop.

dreaming and admin

seems to me that so much time is spent on admin. I have just had three days of the damn stuff, and considering that monday was climbing a ******* mountain, next 3 days admin, and this morning having my usual friday morning coffee and bitching session with my friend and fellow colleague, followed by writing this blog, not much has been acheived on the work front, apart from the dreaming thing, and so I suppose you could say that much has been achieved as dreaming time is imortant to the creative process. I have some of my best ideas just around the waking or going to sleep time, granted I usually dont remember the falling asleep stuff, but the waking time I find very valuable. My friend however does her creative thinking stuff under the shower, so, whatever rocks your boat, go with it. The positive side of all this is that having subjected myself to enforced paperwork, I now have free raign to get on with my work. I’ll keep you posted, I have to go and rescue my cat from next doors bully cat.

layering intensity, and drying times

When people view my work I often get asked, so how long will this take you? and the answer is, as long as it takes, and I am not being facetious, but processes take time, and especially if work has to dry out in between layers. I usually combat this by having several things on the go at the same time. At the moment I am building layers onto half spheres, but on others that have been cast, digging down and carving into, undercutting, I love this, and find the process  very meditative. My ideas seems to be flowing and it is difficult to keep up with it, but I am not complaining, long dark winter nights are here and the sofa, the fire, and the sketch book the ideal scenario to notate.

exciting stuff

I have been working on my gesso spheres all week, and I am very excited with how they are emerging, I have built up god knows how many layers, leaving each layer to set before applying the next, and finally  I have released them from their ‘molds’, and they stand in there own right. The possibilities are endless, however these little beauties are part of my earth series, and will continue in that vain. They are in their unadorned state at the moment, and I feel no rush to finish. My plaster spheres are still very rudimentry, but they need time to air dry, hmmm!!!!!

where are all the balls?

This may be a stupid question, but where are all the balls? I have been trying to buy some balls, I must add for casting, and it is almost impossible to get just ordinary smooth balls, I finally tracked some down in the stockroom of the early learning centre, and an absolute bargain, half price, because they are summer toys! My newly lit ‘shed’, has been tidied in parts that I never even knew existed since my new lighting, in preparation for Art on the map, so lets hope I get some new visitors.Thanks to Deryk for letting me loose in his workshop on wednesday, to set up for turning a wooden bowl for some three d pieces to accompany ‘earth series’.

let there be light

My dirty work studio is being rewired, hurray!!!! there will be light in the darkest corners of my work area. This area encompasses my wood bench,kiln and mold making area. As I have lots of plaster to mix for my new work it will be great to really see what I’m doing. I need to order some led’s as I want to infuse light into my new pieces, also I will be taking a visit to my friend Deryk Gillham to use his lathe for some wood turning, and a chance to catch up with what he is doing. Exciting times. Is there any one out there reading this?

designs are go

I have just finished the designs for my next work.It will be kiln formed glass set in half spheres, lit from inside, they will correspond to my gesso wall panels, and extend the themes. The spheres will be freestanding and of differing sizes. The shells will be of different materials, wood, plaster, etc. I cant wait. It will soon be time for open studios, but unfortunately my phone no has been missed from the brochures once again, I hope it wont be too detrimental. I commence practical studio work tomorrow, fingers crossed.

I’m back, and ready to go

I will be back in my studio come monday, and it will be a relief to get down to some work. I am also looking forward to Art on the map, and lots of visitors. I am planning to set  up some small glass workshops which will  incorporate, slumping, and casting techniques. i love doing these projects, as I am inspired by my students enthusiasms. I hop I get my studio rewired soon as I need more light, especially as the nights are drawing in.