soursing and cussin

last week went tech on me, and every known supplier went “out of stock, on those particular items”, from casting plaster to the shades of glass I wanted. I ended up in sheer desparation re-visiting an old supplier from wayback, and discovered why I hadnt gone back before, what an annoying, patronising, ************************, and before you even think to ask what expletive that is , just think of all of them and you would be right. So…. after a week of broken molds etc, etc, I have finally loaded the kiln and pressed the appropriate buttons !!!!!!!


Procrastination is the order of the day, and though I know I should be getting organised in the studio for some new glass work, all I have managed to achieve so far is to spend some time on organising publicising my new website, and picking up some wood and modelling materials I need. I must make a to do this week list, and stick to it, although I know that I can make up for lost time by working late, not an option I know if mine was a nine to five job.

Good Show

So, last night found me rubbing shoulders with the glitterate og Grimsby @ the launch of the Gate Gallery’s latest exhibition. My friend Caroline Matthei was showing in a joint exhibition with Sue Stone. It is a new gallery, opened last April I believe. A nice white space, and very welcoming, Caroline was delighted to have sold a couple of her pices on the opening night. Today, back to the drawing board, it has to be done, so that I can commence making next week. Tomorrow I shall borrow some lime wood that I know my friend has, and then the fun can begin.

onwards and upwards

Hello readers,  11th july 2007 well here I am on my new website, and I have to say thanks to the machine networks team. Lets hope this is the start of a beautiful relationship. I intend to use my blog, as an artists diary, so that anyone interested in my work, can keep in touch with current work, exhibitions etc. I have just launched my new “Earth Series” of  gesso panels, and today I am going to start designing a corresponding collection of glass works. I shall use the same theme and sketches that I did for earth series. This is a dificult time for me, no actually the worst time of the making process is the’ blank sheet’ stage, but moving from concept to form is crucial, and wher you sweat the hard stuff. Wish me luck.