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I have a new solo exhibition starting 25th May at Sam Scorer Gallery, Lincoln. It is called “Emergence”. From Creation to Emergence. Everything is in a state of being ….. formed! Emergence is what we take to be the concrete things around us, but nothing exists for ever, and therefore we are privileged to see the process of emerging forms from the nebula that is change, as a frozen moment in time. Form from chaos has fascinated philosophers, scientists, and artists from the beginnings of thought, and trying to carve an existence from changing sands is what has formed civilisation. Whatever we sense, is emerging from one state to another. This transient stage can be abrupt or seemingly endless, but the emergent forms obey the laws of the universe in the way of shape and structure, whether it is perceived as beautiful, alarming, ugly or awe inspiring, it simply IS.

New Project

I am embarking on a new project, which is to create a body of work for a restaurant in Barbados, this work must reflect its environment, and also embody the spirit of the place. When embarking on a work like this, there is always the initial stage of pulling together ideas and inspiration, I will be looking for signifyers, things which signify for example colours, shapes, textures. So I will commence with in effect a story board, compiled of all things that visually make me think of Barbados, like, white beaches, turquoise sea, lush vegetation, and brilliant flowers. So to the sketch book without delay.

To do list

At the start of the year, I compile a list of aims and objectives, and keep the list in full view by my desk, it acts as a prompt to either complete or initiate tasks, for example one thing on my list this year was to find out how to upload images to my website, and happily that has been accomplished, and strangely I have wizzed through other items on my list, to the extent that I need to re-assess, and re write my aims and objectives for this year. This year is also it seems set on being a paperwork admin sort of year, so I have to use the carrot and stick method to keep me from rebelling, by allotting a set time for admin, and then allowed freedom to work on the creative  stuff. I need to also keep in mind the essence of my concept, so I do this by looking back on images of work completed. I will show an image of a panel not on my website which is called “Terrain”, it shows the amazing undulations and formations in the desert.

New Materials

This week I am playing, a necessary thing for creative people to do, this creates space to evolve, to try new things, materials, methods,imagery etc. It is possible to become stale without the head room to move around, and sometimes a whole body of work can be inspired by just one thing, like a new type of paint, or a material which allows you to go places that have not been possible before, or even a new texture. It is good to try different combination’s of things, look for a new perspective, or scale, as they say in the advert, “size matters”, micro or macro.

Tectonic plates

Tectonic plates are very much in the news at the moment, and mostly for all the chaos their sudden and cataclysmic movement causes. My work looks at the effects of these shifts, and forces, and celebrates the amazing results’ for example, the fabulous folds of rocks in the Himalayas, the amazing contortions in the Grand Canyon, the birth of islands from volcano’s. The Earth is very much a dynamic and ever changing planet, and the forces of nature, make me feel humble in comparison.