This work is called “Red Country”, a bit of a departure for me from my usual work. I have been inspired by the landscapes of Arizona, all shades of red, such an amazing place. Once again I play with texture and media to portray the geological wonders of our beautiful Earth. The panel is 2′ square.
I’m back working on new work, back in the shed and loving being there! I am in the zone, and everywhere there is chaos, noise, and mess. I’ve mixed up my gesso, and panel primed and good to go. I have just re-worked a panel and will put up an image. I usually work on several panels at the same time, as their is a lot of drying and process time to factor in, so I can be finishing off one panel, be in the middle of another, and just drawing out another. The good point of working like this is that it gives your eyes a rest from constantly looking at one thing, and refreshes them.